The Shack
The Club has a designated area in Buckman 203 where most of our operations occurs at:
The shack as of 2022-10-18
We currently own and operate with the following radios:
- Yeasu FT891
- Our primary HF radio
- G90 Radios
- Used for any portable uses and for it’s excellent tuner
- UT-2000A Antenna Tuner
- An ol’ school tuner which does wonders, none of this modern auto-tuner rubbish
- AirSpy HF
- For any receive-only uses
Our main antenna used to be an MFJ-1481, but unfortunately that came down with a wind storm. We are in the process of purchasing and installing a new HF antenna, which will be the XR5 9-element Yagi from InnovAntennas
We also have a Diamond D130J discone for a VHF and UHF, and a Nooelec GOES satellite dish for GOES16 reception (currently unused due to interference issues, which will be an eventual fox-hunt).
Misc Equipment
The Club also has access to the following equipment if needed per request:
- Agilent N9310A RF Signal Generator
- Agilent N9320B Spectrum Analyzer
- Multiple N201 USRP
- RFSoC 4x2 Kit